Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Chapter 4: Gas Rationing

John and Marsha shared a few moments over coffee during breaktime at her Dad’s shop, NovelWay Prototypes, Inc; commenting that here it was 1974 and no indication of petroleum wells going dry yet, but they were already having to wait in long gas lines at the gas station, gas being rationed due to oil blockades overseas. Would it never end, already three months and the international conflicts were increasing.

People could do so much more if they would cooperate fully instead of wasting time and resources in conflict.

Already some of their coworkers could come in to work only a couple of days per week, ration of gas not enough for more commutes than that, and the busses were jammed, could not take more people. There was less work to do, too, the whole economy shutting down as increasing numbers of employees couldn’t get to work to do jobs, and electrical power being shut down to the city and homes 25% of each 24 hours, to conserve fuel energy. It wasn’t a time to start a family either, so they chose to delay their formal wedding.

Rumors were that if the trend continued, no gasoline would be available for use in one’s car, leaving only fuel for buses and delivery trucks.


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